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  • GREEK YO-[DAIRY-FREE-GURT CULTURE: Freeze-dried plant-based greek Yo-Dairy-Free-Gurt culture with good probiotic bacteria. We provide you with detailed instructions along with the product.


  • INDIVIDUALLY PACKED:  Greek Yo-Dairy-Free-Gurt Starter Culture contains 2 sachets of starter culture. Each packet can be used to make rich, creamy, thick, and delicious Yo-Dairy-Free-Gurt from 1 litre of plant-based beverage.


  • NON-GMO AND GLUTEN FREE: Craft-Your-Own  Greek Yo-Dairy-Free-Gurt at home with an absolute peace of mind with this starter culture as it contains only the right ingredients and nothing artificial.


  • PROBIOTICS-RICH: The presence of live cultures makes it healthy, probiotic-rich food, and good for your gut. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that support the function of your digestive system.


  • EAT WITH PLEASURE & GUILT-FREE, AGAIN & AGAIN: Combine it with plant milk of your choice and enjoy the rich, creamy, thick, and delicious  Yo-Dairy-Free-Gurt. Made at home, by You! Once you handcraft your Yo-Dairy-Free-Gurt, you can use it as a starter to culture the next batch.

Greek Yo-Dairy-Free-Gurt Culture | Non-GMO | Make Batch-After-Batch

₹499.00 Regular Price
₹425.00Sale Price
Price Options
One-time purchase
Monthly Probiotics
Subscribe & Save 25%
₹318.75every month until canceled
  • As soon as you recieve the product, keep it inside freezer till further use.

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